Presentation of Bioways Project to students of Biotechnology grade (Catholic Valencian University “San Vicente Mártir”)

On 9th May 2018, AINIA organized a presentation of BIOWAYS project to students of Biotechnology grade (Catholic Valencian University “San Vicente Mártir”) in its premises at Paterna (Valencia, Spain). 48 students attended the presentation, that included additionally a briefing about EU funding schemes and tools of use in the bioeconomy areas of interest and the bioeconomy big initiative BBI JTU. The presentation included the presentation of dissemination materials like: Bio...What? and Bio Challenge online games, Bioways Factsheets, Bioways Poster, Bioways rollup. Students reviewed and enquired about the materials and played the games. At the end of the presentation, Students filled in the survey “Public Awareness of Biobased Products”. 46 surveys were fille.
